現代文化のルーツを探る㉑ 袴
It’s the season for graduation ceremonies.
Our daughter graduated from junior high school the other day, and will start high school next month. The months go by really fast.
Graduation ceremonies are being held all over the country in March, and I see students in uniforms and hakama with bouquets of flowers everywhere.
Don’t you think this is a very gorgeous and spring-like attire?
By the way, why do female students wear hakama at graduation ceremonies?
I wondered why female students wore hakama for graduation ceremonies. Up to high school students wear uniforms for graduation ceremonies, but in college students don’t have uniforms.
So today, I would like to explore the roots of Hakama.
The origin of hakama is not known, but in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) and Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters), there are references to “bakama” or “loincloths”. According to a popular theory, hakama came to be called “hakumo” because people began to wear costumes wrapped around their waists, which in turn became “hakama.
So, when did people start wearing hakama?
The history of hakama goes back to the Kofun period. You can see men wearing hakama on ancient Haniwa clay figurines. In the Kofun period, only men wore hakama, which were thick pants that reached the ankles. The oldest hakama in the Shosoin Repository is also shaped like a monpe.
As seen on ancient Haniwa (clay figurines), men in Japan wore a kind of pants that split in two. This gradually changed, and around the Kamakura period (1185-1333), men settled on the Hakama as we know it today. During this period, various types of hakama were invented, such as hakama for riding horses, monpe-like field hakama for easy movement, and kendo hakama for kendo.
But when did women start wearing hakama?
Women’s hakama were first used as undergarments for aristocrats in the Asuka and Nara periods. In the Heian period (794-1185), women began to wear hakama to the court. In the Heian period (794-1185), women of high status in the court began to wear scarlet hakama and red hakama, which are still used as costumes for shrine maidens today. Incidentally, the Hika Hakama is worn by the three official ladies of the Hina Dolls.
In samurai society, hakama were worn as formal wear by samurai, but in the Edo period (1603-1868), women were forbidden to wear them due to strict dress codes based on status and gender. However, women were forbidden to wear hakama during the Edo period (1603-1868).
However, in the Meiji era (1868-1912), the women’s hakama, derived from the court ladies’ uniforms, was invented as a uniform for female students. However, in the Meiji era (1868-1912), the women’s hakama, derived from the court ladies’ uniforms, was invented as a school uniform for female students. In those days, hakama were worn not only by students but also by teachers. At that time, the percentage of women who went on to higher education was low, so female students wearing hakama was a symbol of status and something to aspire to.
From the late Meiji era to the Taisho era, female students were the fashion leaders of the day. Women of this generation are the fashion leaders now and in the past. When leather boots became available in the late Meiji era, they were the first to adopt them into their fashion, and the Hakama and boots style became very popular. They wore large ribbons in their hair and enjoyed the fashion of incorporating Western items into Japanese clothing. Unlike furisode, hakama were very easy to move around in and were easier to walk in than kimonos, so from the Taisho to Showa era, some students even rode bicycles wearing hakama. If you’re familiar with this style, you may recognize it from the anime “Haikara-san ga Toru.
Compared to the traditional style of kimono and obi, hakama has both a graceful appearance and functionality that allows for easy movement, which was probably one of the reasons why it was adopted as a school uniform. The desire for women to enjoy fashion has not changed. The female students who wear hakama at graduation ceremonies today must have inherited the same sense of fashion that has transcended the ages.
Congratulations to all of you who have graduated this spring!
Good luck in your new stage of life!
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