現代文化のルーツを探る⑲ 畳
また古事記が伝えるヤマトタケルノミコトの物語(古事記中間・景行天皇条)の中で、ミコトの船が走水(はしりみず)の海を渡ろうとしたときに、その渡(わたり)の神が波を起こして妨害し、そのためにミコトの船が進むに進めず、それでオトタチバナヒメ(ミコトの后)がその身を供して海神の心をなだめようとする一説があり、その時の情景を「海に入りたまはむとする時に、菅畳八重、皮畳 八重、絁(きぬ)畳八重を波の上に敷きて、その上に下りましき」と伝えています。ここで言う「畳」は、今でいう御座(ござ)、薄縁、コモ、ムシロ に近かったようですね。
Hello everyone. This is Iwase from Omoikane Books.
Omoikane Books is a publishing media that introduces Japanese culture, Japanese spirit, and Japanese art to the world.
Do you have tatami mats in your house?
We live in a traditional country house, so we have many rooms with tatami mats. Even rooms that are not used at all. We used to have weddings, funerals, and ceremonies at home. There were many houses that had two Japanese-style rooms with a wide veranda.
Most houses nowadays have wooden flooring, but there are quite a few people who have tatami rooms or tatami corners, even if they are not full-fledged tatami rooms.
I think it’s nice to roll over on the tatami and take a nap.
Tatami is an image that has been around in Japan for a long time, but what are its origins and history?
Let’s explore the roots of tatami!
Tatami literally means “to fold,” and it also means to fold and stack. It is said to have meant for all rugs, from those that can be folded and stacked. Tatami first appeared in literature in the “Kojiki” of the Nara period (710-794). In the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) of the Nara period (710-794), “tatami of sea lion skin” and “tatami of silk” are mentioned in an article by Hoorinomikoto.
In the story of Yamatotakeru no Mikoto in the middle of the Kojiki (Emperor Keiko’s Article), when Mikoto’s ship was about to cross the Hashirimizu Sea, the god of the crossing caused waves to obstruct it, so that Mikoto’s ship could not proceed, and Ototachibana-hime (Mikoto’s wife) offered her body to appease the sea god. The story goes, “When I entered the sea, I spread eight layers of Kan tatami mats, eight layers of leather tatami mats, and eight layers of polypropylene tatami mats over the waves, and descended on them. The “tatami” here seems to have been similar to today’s goza, thin edge, komo, and mushiro.
The oldest existing tatami mats date back to the Nara period (710-794), and are kept in the Shosoin Repository of Todaiji Temple in Nara, placed on a wooden stand called “Goshonotatami. Tatami mats were made by piling up mats made of woven mamomen, covered with tatami mats made of woven rushes, and attached with brocade tatami borders. The tatami was placed on a wooden stand and used like a bed.
It was in the Heian period (794-1185) that tatami took on its present shape. When aristocrats’ houses were built in the shinden style, tatami was laid out in place of cushions in the wooden floor, or placed in various places in the house as bedding. Tatami was also used as a symbol of power.
In the Kamakura period (1185-1333), when the construction method was changed to shoin-zukuri, tatami mats, which had been placed only where they were needed until then, came to cover the entire room or floor. Tatami craftsmen of this period came to be called “tatami-sashi” or “tatami-ashi. In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), tatami began to be used to cover entire rooms, and the use of tatami became widespread as a flooring material in buildings.
From the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1603) to the Edo period (1603-1868), the tea ceremony developed, and tatami became a part of the sukiya style, adopting the techniques of the tea ceremony. In Edo tenement houses, those who rented tenements prepared their own tatami mats. For this reason, tatami was very important.
In the Meiji period (1868-1912), restrictions on tatami patterns were lifted, and tatami became widely used after the Meiji Restoration. With the rapid economic growth of Japan, people’s lifestyles changed to a western style, but tatami rooms were still the basic style in the house.
The culture of tatami is not something that came from ancient China or the Korean Peninsula, but it is one of the living cultures that the Yamato people should be proud of. We need to reevaluate this wonderful culture and make use of it.
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- 現代文化のルーツを探る⑱ 納豆
- 現代文化のルーツを探る⑳ うどん