現代文化のルーツを探る⑱ 納豆
[English after Japanese]
その1 弥生時代説
その2 聖徳太子説
その3 八幡太郎義家説
その4 加藤清正説
Do you like natto?
Some people love the gooey smell, while others hate it. I love it.
When I was a child, my grandfather used to make natto in our house. He would stuff the soybeans into straw and after a while, they would get that unique smell and stickiness. We also used to make dried natto by drying the finished natto in the sun.
Nowadays, many kinds of natto are sold in supermarkets. There are many different sizes of beans and flavors of sauce. Natto is a familiar part of the Japanese diet, but there are many theories about its origin. When and how was natto born? Let’s look into its roots!
Theory 1: The Yayoi Period
Natto bacillus, which is essential for making natto, is a type of Bacillus subtilis that lives in the air, dead grass, and rice straw. Natto bacillus likes to live in warm and moist places, so straw, with its excellent heat and moisture retention properties, is an ideal habitat. The pit houses of the Yayoi period people lived in had furnaces and the floor was covered with straw and dead grass. The inside of the dwellings was moderately warm, and the dwellings of the Yayoi period could be said to have been the home of the natto bacteria. The theory is that when beans were boiled in the dwelling, some of the beans spilled out onto the straw on the floor, which naturally fermented and gave birth to natto.
2. Prince Shotoku’s theory
It was the Asuka period. Prince Shotoku was feeding his beloved horse with boiled beans. However, he had too many beans left over. Thinking it would be a shame to throw them away, he wrapped the leftover beans in straw and stored them. A few days later, when he opened the straw, he found that the cooked beans were stringing together. (The fact that he tried to eat them was amazing! (The eating part is amazing!) To his surprise, the beans turned out to be very tasty. (The fact that he ate them was amazing!) The theory is that Taishi told people about this, and natto (fermented soybeans), which are made by wrapping boiled beans in straw and fermenting them, spread.
3. Yahataro Yoshiie’s theory
Minamoto no Yoshiie, known as Hachiman Taro Yoshiie, was a military commander in the late Heian period. The story goes that he went on an expedition to Oshu (present-day Tohoku region). The battle was prolonged because Kiyohara no Iehira, a powerful tribe in Oshu, was holed up in a place called Kanazawa fence. As a result, there was a shortage of fodder for the horses.
Yoshiie hurriedly ordered the farmers to supply soybeans as fodder. Because of the urgency of the situation, the farmers did not cool the boiled soybeans well, but packed them in bales while still hot and offered them to the farmers. A few days later, the beans smelled fragrant, and when they were opened, they were stringing together. When they tried the beans, they were so delicious that they were used as food for the soldiers. The story goes that these beans spread to the farmers as well.
There is another story about Minamoto no Yoshiie. There is a story that the body temperature of the horse, around 38 degrees Celsius, made the fermented soybeans on the straw active and transformed them into natto.
No.4 Kiyomasa Kato’s theory
Kiyomasa Kato was ordered by Hideyoshi to go to Korea. Kiyomasa had a hard time getting food in the war zone. One day, he noticed a delicious smell coming from the back of a horse carrying a load. One day, he noticed a delicious smell coming from the back of a horse carrying a load. He wondered why, and opened a bundle of straw on the horse’s back to find boiled beans trailing. Kiyomasa felt depressed, thinking that he had spoiled the boiled beans. However, the fragrant smell attracted him to take a bite, and he found it very tasty! This was passed on to the lord Hideyoshi, and natto became a part of his daily life.
There are many theories. Which one do you think is the best theory for the origin of natto? In any case, horses and straw were indispensable for the birth of natto.
Speaking of natto, Mito in Ibaraki Prefecture is famous. But why Mito?
Why Mito is famous for natto?
This is because of another theory about Minamoto no Yoshiie.
Yoshiie’s troops on their way to pacify Oshu camped in Hitachiikuni (present-day Ibaraki Prefecture). Yoshiie stayed at the mansion of Ichimori no Chosha in Watari-no-sato (a suburb of Mito City), who was the stationmaster of the inn. At this time, when his retainer wrapped the leftover boiled beans he had made for horse feed in straw, the beans naturally fermented and became threadbare. When his retainer tried it, he found that it was very tasty. So he presented it to the righteous family and they were very pleased. After that, it spread among the farmers, and Mito is said to have been the birthplace of natto. Incidentally, it is said that the name “natto” came from the meaning of “beans delivered to the shogun. Another theory is that it was made in the kitchens of temples in the Nara period (710-794).
The roots of natto are very deep. There are many foods that make me wonder, “Who thought of eating natto first? Natto is one of them, isn’t it? As a natto lover, I’m amazed that you took on this challenge! (laughs).
Thanks to our predecessors, I’m going to enjoy some delicious natto today!
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