現代文化のルーツを探る⑰ 味噌汁
平安時代、朝廷のしきたりや行政の形式をまとめた「延喜式」の中にある「造雑物法」に、初めて「味噌」という文字が登場します。貴族たちへ支給された物品の中には「未醤(みしょう)」というものがあって、この未醤がいわゆる味噌だったんですね。この頃は今のように調味料として料理に使うわけではなく、食べ物につけたり、 舐めたりしていました。そしてまだまだ上流階級の人だけが口に出来る贅沢品でした。
Hello everyone. This is Iwase from Omoikane Books.
Omoikane Books is a publishing media that introduces Japanese culture, Japanese spirit, and Japanese art to the world.
Do you drink miso soup? These days, there is a wide variety of instant miso soup available, so you can enjoy a variety of miso soups. Instant miso soup is delicious, but there’s something different about the taste of miso soup made with dashi stock, isn’t there? Although we don’t make miso soup every day, we do make miso soup with dashi.
Miso soup has become a familiar part of the Japanese diet. Where does it come from? When did miso come to be consumed as miso soup? Let’s go on a journey to discover the roots of miso soup!
Miso is said to have originated from the ancient Chinese food called “Sho/Hishio” and “Shi/Kuki ,” which were introduced to Japan in the Asuka period (710-794). The word “Misho” was written in the Ritsuryo. Hishio is a fermented food similar to fish sauce, made by marinating meat or fish with cereals, koji and salt. Hishio is a fermented food made from soybeans, cereals and salt. In those days, miso was not made into a paste like today’s miso, but was more like natto (fermented soybeans), and was eaten by picking it up with your fingers.
In the Heian period (794-1185), the word “miso” first appeared in the “Zouzatsubutsuhou” in the “Engishiki”, a compilation of court customs and administrative forms. One of the items provided to the nobility was called “mishou,” and this mishou was the so-called miso. At that time, miso was not used as a seasoning in cooking as it is today, but was dipped in it or licked off. At that time, miso was not used as a seasoning in cooking as it is today, but was dipped or licked into food, and was still a luxury item that only the upper class could afford.
In the Kamakura period (1185-1333), new customs and food culture came in from China. That’s when the mortar was introduced. After using the mortar to grind the miso grains, they became easily soluble in water, so they began to dissolve them in a bowl and drink them as miso soup. Since then, the samurai have been eating “one soup, one dish” as their basic style. So the “one soup, one dish” style was created around this time.
In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), the production of soybeans increased, and farmers began to make their own miso. In the Muromachi period (1333-1573), the production of soybeans increased, and farmers began to make their own miso, and miso became popular among the common people as a preserved food. At this time, miso soup also made its appearance on the tables of the common people. It is said that most of the miso dishes we know today were made during this period.
In the Warring States period, miso played a major role. Miso was not only a seasoning, but also a valuable source of protein. It was also an excellent food that could be stored for long periods of time, so warlords always brought miso with them to the battlefield. Dried or roasted miso was eaten as part of the camp rations and drunk as miso soup.
Uesugi Kenshin used “Echigo Miso”, Takeda Shingen used “Shinshu Miso”, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu used “Mamemiso”, Date Masamune used “Sendai Miso”, and so on.
Time flies in the Edo period. As the Warring States period came to an end, miso production methods were passed down from one generation to the next by local merchants. As the population of Edo increased, so did the demand for miso, and production could not keep up. As the population of Edo increased, the demand for miso increased and production could not keep up. This is how miso soup came to be consumed at the tables of ordinary people’s homes.
After the Meiji, Taisho and Showa eras, the taste of miso changed dramatically after the war. In 1948, when many farmers were still making their own miso, the Rural Life Improvement and Extension Project was launched, which set guidelines for miso production methods and provided guidance for improving hygiene and nutrition. It is said that the taste of miso that is now commonly sold was established here.
Then in 1974, a revolutionary miso soup was introduced. In 1974, the freeze-drying process was established, and the instant miso soup we know today was born. In 1981, a raw miso soup with dashi (soup stock) was released, making it easy for anyone to make delicious miso soup. The container for miso has also changed from a barrel to a cup, making it easier to store in the refrigerator. Nowadays, dashi is sold in granular form, and the average household is unlikely to make miso soup with full-fledged dashi.
The original form of miso, introduced to Japan in the Asuka Period, came to be drunk as miso soup in the Warring States Period, and spread to the tables of ordinary people in the Edo Period. Miso soup is still an indispensable part of the Japanese diet. As a fermented food, miso is also very good for the body. Let’s drink some miso soup today and stay healthy! Now, what should we use for the ingredients?
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