現代文化のルーツを探る⑪ 天ぷら
【English after Japanese】
外食でも家の食卓でも重宝される天ぷら。天ぷらはポルトガル人によって日本に伝えられたという話を聞いたことはありませんか?天ぷらの名前の由来は、ポルトガル語の「Tempero(調味料)」「Temporas (四季に行う斎日)」からきているという説があります。しかし、実は天ぷらはそもそもポルトガル料理ではなく、そのルーツは6世紀中頃のペルシアにあるといわれています。
【In Engish】
Tempura is something that everyone is familiar with. Tempura is a delicious way to eat seafood such as shrimp and squid, meat, and various vegetables. Kakiage is also good. Recently, a certain udon chain has introduced a self-service style where you can choose your favorite tempura along with your udon. I tend to take too much of that…
Tempura is very useful both in restaurants and at home.
Have you ever heard of the story that tempura was introduced to Japan by the Portuguese?
There is a theory that the name “tempura” comes from the Portuguese words “Tempero” (seasoning) and “Temporas” (days of celebration during the four seasons). In fact, however, tempura is not a Portuguese dish at all, but has its roots in Persia in the middle of the 6th century.
King Khosrow I Anoushirwan (501-579) was the Shahanshah (King of Kings) of the Sasanian Persian Empire, and his favorite dish was a sweet and sour beef stew called Sikhbaj.
The details of sikh bhaji vary from recipe to recipe, but in any case, it is a stew of beef with many ingredients. It is often made with chicken or lamb, flavored with a variety of herbs and sometimes charred wood chips, and always marinated in a large amount of vinegar. Vinegar, with its pungent flavor, has been known as an excellent preservative since Babylonian times. Sikh bhaji quickly took over the Muslim world. Probably because it was the favorite food of sailors. They rely more on preserved food than most people. It may have been these sailors who were the first to make sikh bhaji, a fish instead of meat.
Quotes from “Do Persian Kings Like ‘Tempura’? (Dan Jelavsky, author, translated by Akie Onoki, published by Hayakawa Shobo)
It seems that fish sikbaj was already being made in the 10th century, but the first recipe found was in Egypt in the 13th century, where the fish was dusted with flour and then deep fried, seasoned with vinegar, honey and spices.
Originally a stew, the name and recipe for fish shikbaj changed as the dish spread westward through the Mediterranean.
In Spain and Portugal in the early 1500s, there were dishes such as “escabeche” and “pescado frito,” fried fish served with vinegar, which are thought to have been derived from sikbaj. It’s what we call “nanbanzuke” in Japan. It is often seen in supermarkets.
This “pescado frito” was brought to Japan by the Portuguese Jesuits in the Muromachi period (1336-1573). This is thought to be the beginning of tempura in Japan. There is another theory that “Nagasaki Tempura” is the origin of tempura in Japan, and it is said that the Portuguese brought it to Nagasaki during the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
The Nanban Ryouri Sho, a book of Portuguese and Spanish recipes in Japanese, completed around 1639, included a recipe for battered and deep-fried fish.
The batter at that time was a thick fritter-like mixture of flour, eggs, sake, sugar, and salt without water. Even today, the fritter flour sold in imported food stores has a slightly salty taste to it.
In those days, oil was very precious in Japan. For this reason, tempura, which requires a lot of oil, was a luxury item and was rarely eaten by the common people.
So when did the common people start to enjoy tempura?
In the early Edo period (1603-1868), the amount of oil produced in Japan increased and tempura gradually spread to the common people.
Similarly, yatai (food stands) spread at this time. Sushi, soba, unagi (eel), and many other food stalls appeared on the scene, and tempura also grew in popularity. At the tempura food stalls, tempura was eaten on skewers. This style is similar to today’s shish-kebabs.
Edo tempura, which spread to Edo, was served with tentsuyu and grated daikon. It takes a lot of skill to fry the batter as thin and crispy as it is today. In those days, the batter was thick and took time to cook slowly. So the combination of tentsuyu and grated daikon was thought up to make tempura more delicious. The combination of tempura sauce and grated daikon turns oily tempura into a refreshing taste.
Tempura first appeared in literature in the Edo period (1603-1868).
The first mention of the name “tempura” was in the “Ryouri Shokudo-ki” in 1669. The first mention of the cooking method we think of today as tempura was in the book “Utasen no Kumito” published in 1748.
Tempura spread as a taste of the common people, but with the appearance of specialty restaurants and ryotei (traditional Japanese restaurants) from the late Edo period to the Meiji period, it also established itself as a luxury cuisine. Originally an Edo cuisine, tempura spread nationwide after the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. Artisans who lost their jobs in the earthquake moved to different parts of Japan and interacted with each other, which led to the spread of Edo tempura throughout the country.
In the early Showa period (1926-1989), oil was expensive, so tempura became a dish to be eaten on special occasions. It also became a very luxurious dish during the food shortage period after the war. In the post-war period of high economic growth, the production of edible oils and fats increased, and Japanese people’s intake of oil and fat rapidly increased. At this time, it became easy to make fried dishes at home, and tempura began to appear on the dinner tables of ordinary households.
Tempura, which we usually eat without thinking about it, was actually introduced to Japan from Persia via Portugal. If you have a chance to eat tempura with people from overseas, let’s have a good time talking about the roots of tempura!
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- 現代文化のルーツを探る⑩ 寿司
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