現代文化のルーツを探る⑩ 寿司
English after Japanese
In English
In December 2013, UNESCO decided to register “Japanese Food; Traditional Food Culture of the Japanese People” as an Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Japanese food is a “social custom” related to food that embodies the Japanese spirit of “respect for nature” and “the eight million gods”, and was recognized for the following four characteristics
1) The use of fresh and diverse ingredients and materials, ingenuity in respecting their flavors, and cooking techniques that make the most of the flavors of the ingredients.
(2) The use of a variety of natural ingredients from the region, such as rice, fish, vegetables, and wild plants, and the formation of a healthy diet that is low in animal fats and oils.
(3) Arranging dishes in a way that expresses the beauty of nature and the changing of the seasons, such as decorating dishes with flowers, leaves, and other materials, and using decorative knives to represent natural things.
(4) Food is closely related to annual events such as Osechi (New Year’s Day), New Year’s Eve (New Year’s Soba), the first meal of the year, and the Seven-Five-Three Festival.
Against the backdrop of the worldwide boom in Japanese food, the number of sushi restaurants and other Japanese restaurants exceeds 150,000 worldwide. When you go abroad, there are quite a few Japanese restaurants. The staff in the restaurants may not be Japanese, but…. Among them, there are many sushi restaurants. Sushi is popular not only in Japan but also in the world.
There are many kinds of sushi. Nigiri-zushi, maki-zushi, oshi-zushi, inari-zushi, chirashi-zushi, temakizushi, bar-zushi, gunkan, etc. Sushi is a part of our daily lives, but where does it come from? Let’s take a look at the roots of sushi.
Sushi is said to have originated around the 4th century B.C. among the mountain tribes of Southeast Asia. At that time, the first method of preserving river fish was to marinate the fish together with cooked rice and other grains, using the fermentation of the rice to preserve the fish. It is said that this technique was introduced to Japan from China in the Nara period (710-794) with the arrival of rice cultivation.
At that time, sushi was called “narezushi,” which was rice seasoned with sweet vinegar, topped with river fish such as sweetfish or crucian carp, and left to rest overnight, and was eaten as a preserved food. In Nara period (710-794) Japan, narezushi was offered to the Imperial Court as tribute. In modern times, remnants of that time can be seen in pressed sushi and boxed sushi. Later, in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), mature sushi made from leftover fish appeared. Speaking of aged sushi, isn’t funa-zushi from Omi (present-day Shiga Prefecture) the best known? This type of sushi is common around Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, especially in the eastern and northern parts of the lake. I have eaten it several times and was a little surprised by the smell and texture at first, but once you get used to it, it becomes addictive. This is exactly the kind of sushi you get used to.
In the middle of the Edo period, rice vinegar became popular and “quick sushi” was born, which did not need to be fermented. So it became possible to eat sushi right away without having to wait. At the end of the Edo period, “nigiri-zushi,” which could be eaten immediately after being made, was born from the food stalls that were popular in Edo, and came to be called “edo-mae-zushi” because it used seafood and seaweed from Tokyo Bay (Edo-mae). At that time, sushi was about the size of an omusubi, which was cut into pieces and eaten. This is said to have led to the modern style of serving two pieces of sushi per plate.
In the late Meiji period (1868-1912), fishing methods and distribution methods developed, and the ice industry also flourished, making it possible to store ingredients in ice. In the Taisho era (1912-1926), electric refrigerators were installed in sushi restaurants, and a wide variety of ingredients were available. Later, in 1923, sushi chefs from Tokyo who were affected by the Great Kanto Earthquake returned to their hometowns and spread nigiri-zushi throughout Japan.
What did you think? The roots and history of sushi. Sushi was introduced from China and developed into a unique culture in Japan. SUSHI will become more and more a common language in the world.
Finally, let’s talk about the origin of the word sushi. There is a theory that the word “sushi” comes from the word “sour,” meaning “sour,” and another theory that the “me” in “vinegared rice” (rice mixed with vinegar) somehow disappeared and the word “sushi” came to be used.
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