The painter with a sustainable world view
Do you know the Japanese painter AKi?
AKi gives us dreams and hopes.
He has a transcendent imagination born of unique insight and observation, and a natural sense of color.
AKi is a world-renowned painter who has won awards at art exhibitions in Spain and Greece.
AKi has won awards at exhibitions in Spain and Greece, and is expected to play an active role in the world.
His free and carefree expression of color has been praised by critics at home and abroad as “exquisite color sense (AKi color)” and “tests the viewer.
AKi’s internationally acclaimed ebook is now available on the amazon kindle store in the US.
Please take a look at Aki’s unique world view.
e-picture-book created by painter AKI
Many animals gather around the water.
Drinking, playing and swimming, they seem happy.
“Omizu” is the e-picture-book created by painter AKI that tells you the importance of
the water through the eyes of the animals.
“What’s the name of this Animal?”
You may hear the asking while watching these pictures full of animals.
Swimming, drinking and relaxing, there’s always happiness in and around the water.
Me in yellow skin enjoying this place where everybody comes♪
With his attractive colors & warm-hearted magics,
Aki brings you to tender moments with animals & “Omizu”.
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